At the end of the first half of the K-project, the “Textile Competence Center Vorarlberg” is pleased to announce a very positive evaluation by an international jury appointed by the FFG. The young researchers in the consortium presented the results of their work to the jury and the consortium as a whole in 22 posters and short highlight lectures at the on-site evaluation of the project on July 4, 2019. Together, the research and industry partners of the TCCV were able to convince the FFG of the excellent progress, and therefore the rating from the FFG was correspondingly positive!

We thank all partners for their cooperation.

Photo: The FFG Jury and representives from tccv company partners attending the poster exhibition, from left to right: Thomas Stegmaier (Deutsches Institut für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf, External Expert), Raphael Mertens (Hydro Extrusion Nenzing GmbH), Rudolf Stoffner (Land Tirol), Jan Vanfleteren (Center for Microsystems Technology, Ghent University – IMEC, External Expert), Dominik Mayer (Kelheim Fibres GmbH), Budiono Nguyen (FFG, Chair), Julia Bissenberger (FFG, Programme Management)

Statements of the TCCV reviewers

„The site visit was very well prepared and executed. All questions were answered satisfactorily. The overall impression is that the project is on a good track. The research programme has been implemented with changes which should be justified in detail in future. The reviewers found the site visit very helpful and the demonstrators and presentations were clear and easy to understand. Developments and improvements shown so far are on a solid technological level for most of the topics. The knowledge gained is very close to the market and has the potential to initiate the development of further commercial products. It is noticed positively, that TCCV is embedded in a wide range of other funded initatives. Therefore, all target values are well on track or already achieved. The staff of the TCCV is enthusiastic and highly motivated and the project is very well led. The share of female researchers is high.
The team appeared committed to the projects and represented a good mix. The various subprojects complemented each other in a sensible manner. The interdisciplinary character of the project provides an added value to the research programme.”

Photo: Prof. Dr. Tung Pham showing the FFG Jury and project partners a geotextile demonstrator from one of the research project on the TCCV Review Site Visit