At the end of the first half of the K-project, the “Textile
Competence Center Vorarlberg” is pleased to announce a very
positive evaluation by an international jury appointed by the FFG.
The young researchers in the consortium presented the results of
their work to the jury and the consortium as a whole in 22 posters
and short highlight lectures at the on-site evaluation of the project
on July 4, 2019. Together, the research and industry partners of
the TCCV were able to convince the FFG of the excellent progress,
and therefore the rating from the FFG was correspondingly
positive! We thank all partners for their cooperation.
Photo: The FFG Jury and representives from tccv company partners attending the poster exhibition,
from left to right: Thomas Stegmaier (Deutsches Institut für Textil- und Faserforschung Denkendorf, External
Expert), Raphael Mertens (Hydro Extrusion Nenzing GmbH), Rudolf Stoffner (Land Tirol), Jan Vanfleteren (Center for
Microsystems Technology, Ghent University – IMEC, External Expert), Dominik Mayer (Kelheim Fibres GmbH), Budiono
Nguyen (FFG, Chair), Julia Bissenberger (FFG, Programme Management)
Geobrugg AG, CTO Corinna Wendeler